

Blog from a Snowman (Yes, I still have snow where I am, but not for long)

Well, I've been sitting here since January and I'm pretty sure I'm all ice by now... but I can feel the heat coming.
I think I've had a good run for a snowman though, at least I'm not going to be butchered with a baseball bat or going to melt because I was made by a drunk... wait... I was made by a drunk... and a stoner... and an overactor who might have been high and/or drunk... How have I been here so long?
Maybe since I'm nearly complete ice by now I can see what the sun looks like just for a bit and
oh crap there noes my right arm. this'll be fun... yeah I'm alread melting... screw thataplan about seeing the sun...
Hey, here comes the ovractor
with a blowtorch... well I'm fucked... bye, had a

Just a (semi-straightedge) overactor
P.S. If you've never used a blowtorch to melt a snowman, it is so fun.


  1. Nice story, I have never melted a snowman with a blowtorch but it sounds fun haha! :)

  2. Torrid zone does not know 'bout snow

  3. At least a blowtorch is a pretty badass way to go.

  4. I have gotta blowtorch a snowman sometime now

  5. How about instead of using a blowtorch you use a fire cracker!

  6. Using a blowtorch sounds like an excellent idea. Better than firecrackers.

  7. thaha sounds like it was great fun
